Rethinking My Reading Goals: My Approach for 2025

Happy 2025 everyone! 

I apologize for my absence over the past few months. Life has been unpredictable lately, and I often need to readjust. And I unfortunately put blogging off to the side. But it’s all right because I am back and still moving and grooving. Also, Happy New Year! I can’t believe we’re in 2025 now. I am looking forward to what this year has to offer as I focus on transitioning to new heights in my life.

Speaking of changes, I have decided not to make any new concrete reading goals this year. I don’t think setting strict reading goals is necessary as I tend to have shifting interests and I’d rather let my reading be fluid instead of forcing myself into commitments I may not want later. Instead, I want to update you on what my intentions are for reading this year as well as recap my reading activities from 2024. 

2024 Reading Goals Recap

Last year, I set the following reading goals

  • read 24 books

  • read for 20 minutes before bed

  • write 12 book reviews

  • read outside my preferred genre

  • listen to more audiobooks

  • participate in reading challenges.

2024 Reading Goals Stats

Reflection on Reading Year

2024 was a slow reading year for me. Working full-time and prioritizing important tasks were always at the forefront of my mind. However, I considered the rest I needed to balance my workload and attempted to include reading during my downtime. I was excited to read novels but I often felt they were impossible to finish. It felt like I would never complete one story to move on to the next.

Although the stats reflect no goals accomplished, I am still very proud of my results. I read 15 more books than I have in the past few years. I conquered so many doomscrolls by listening to audiobooks while getting tasks done. I wrote mini-book reviews so as not to put too much pressure on writing a full-fledged 9-paragraph review of one book. (I would love the challenge of delving into a deep discussion about a book I strongly felt for in the future.) I expanded my horizons with poetry, romance, and comic books. I think fitting reading into my daily life was a challenge within itself so I am not too bummed about the lack of reading challenges I didn’t participate in. 

Overall, I am quite pleased with what I accomplished this year and I look forward to what I can achieve this year.  

My Approach Ahead

Since novels sometimes felt overwhelming to finish, I’ve shifted my focus to short stories. Not only will they fit better into my reading routine, but they also help me reconnect with story elements that inspire my writing. I’m excited to see how these stories influence both my reading and writing journey this year! 

That’s all I have for you today. What are some books/genres you are looking forward to reading in 2025? I’d love to hear about it! 


Summer Reading Wrapup: A Mix of Magic, Fantasy, Poetry, and Romance