My Top 6 Reading Goals for 2024

A new year calls for new reading goals! I am excited to start this new year with a healthier and fresher intention for my reading goals. And I hope you are doing the same, too. 

For most of my 2023, I wasted lots of time doing unnecessary and unproductive things, like scrolling on social media, binge-watching shows and movies all day and night, and wallowing in my self-pity as I saw others on social media accomplishing their goals and reading great books. This year, I will write a new story for myself; I will take control of my life and do what feels good. 

So, join me as I create my new 2024 reading goals for the year!

Read at least 24 books

This year, I want to read at least 24 books. Last year, I made the mistake of making my TBR goal high and unattainable. It overwhelmed me since I had little time to read all of it. I only read 6 books and DNFed 3 of them. A small reading goal for the year will help me stay on track. 

Read for 20 minutes before bed

Before bed, I would wind down by watching a show or scrolling on my phone. However, I found doing these things was unhealthy; I stayed on my phone or watched a show far past the bedtime I set for myself. I’m killing two birds with one stone by reading for at least 20 minutes and getting my mind and body relaxed right before I enter the realm of sleep. 

Write at least 12 book reviews

I love seeing book reviews from other bloggers and influencers, especially after I have finished a book I love. Seeing others give their opinions and thoughts about things I might not have caught while reading a book or listening to them rant about something they didn’t like about a part of a book always got me thinking and commenting on my thoughts. My friends encouraged me to write book reviews for years, but I have always been too scared to write them. In 2024, I’m willing to give it a shot, though! I wouldn’t write a review for every book I read. I will most likely write reviews on books that impacted me. 

Read more books outside of my preferred genre

I am such a fantasy buff! I can read fantasy for the rest of my life and be content with my choices. However, there are so many great books that I hear about all the time; I never give them a chance because they aren’t fantasy. (Probably because my OCD is getting in the way.) The genres I look forward to getting into this year are classics, poetry, science fiction, self-help, and romance. 

Listen to more audiobooks

Sometimes, I need to remember that listening to audiobooks is also reading! When I listen to audiobooks, I can still get my priorities done without feeling like I am wasting time. Plus, it’s a cheap way to read more since I use my local library card for audiobooks. 

Participate in more reading challenges

Who doesn’t love a good challenge? I want to be part of the reader collective and participate in more reading challenges this year. I think it would be a great way to keep me motivated to continue reading while having some fun doing it.

There you have it!

My 2024 reading goals. I had a lot of fun creating this list. I hope my goals gave you some ideas and inspiration for your reading goals this year. If you want to keep up with me and other stuff in my life, follow me on social media. Have fun, spread kindness, and read on!


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