4 Tips to Get Out of a Reading Slump
I’m so happy that I am on track to reading 24 books this year. I was so worried I wouldn’t pick up a book again after reading an amazing series that sucked me right into the world. It took me two years before I could even look at another book. After going through the most unpleasant bookless experience of my life I am proud to say I have read 6 books this year! I’m a bit behind on my progress considering it is seven months into the year but I am determined to read more this year.
If you ever have been in a mood where looking at a book is not the vibe, you, my friend are in a reading slump. If you are worried about never picking up a book again but want to know how to get out of this slump, keep reading.
What is a Reading Slump?
A reading slump is when you don’t feel like reading. It can occur when you have read a great book, a mediocre read, too much of the same genre, or you just don’t feel like reading at that moment in time.
My reading slump began after I read A Court of Wings and Ruin the third book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. The book was so great that I refused to finish the series off with the last two books. I didn’t want the story to end. Instead, I looked up aesthetics for the world, listened to multiple playlists for the series, and read the book over again. Now looking back, that probably wasn’t the best choice to make but it happens. Those characters were all I could think about and reading anything else seemed subpar to me at the time. But I didn’t do anything to get me out of it so I just waited it out until I found the urge to read again.
But you don’t have to be like me and not pick up a book for two years. I want to help you out of your reading slump and get you to fall in love with your next read. Let’s get you out of that slump.
4 Tips to get out of a reading slump
Do not force yourself to read!
This will only make things worse and sometimes a break from the written word is okay. Instead, you should use this time to do other things that you love. Go on a walk, watch a movie or show, listen to music or podcasts, or make a new meal. Do anything other than pick up a book for a little. You’ll be surprised by how quickly you miss reading.
Try a new genre.
I know we all love our preferred genres. Mine is fantasy, but sometimes too much of any one thing is a bad thing. I love fantasy but sometimes the plots are so generic and repetitive and it can feel like I’m reading the same thing but in a different font. So, I recommend switching the genre up. I like reading poetry and self-help books but read anything that intrigues your little heart.
Change your environment.
Sometimes the environment can affect our reading slump. I love my room but sometimes by being in there, I get so distracted by little projects I have lying around or the mess it can be sometimes when I'm on the go. It also doesn’t help that my room is my work space so I’m there all the time. I love going outside with a blanket and some snacks with my book while listening to the birds chirp. Honestly, if you ever feel stuck, just take a stroll in nature, it works wonders. You can also go to a coffee shop or your local library. Sometimes my boyfriend and I go to Barnes and Noble just to get into the ambiance of reading.
Reread your favorite book.
Sometimes staying in your comfort zone helps. So why not read your favorite book? What is the one book that made you fall in love with reading? I loved this faerie series as a child and that’s why I love fantasy so much now. If you want to read but nothing looks appealing, just read your favorite book and get immersed in that world once again. It may spark something.
Stay open and positive!
Reading slumps can be frustrating and discouraging. I hope these tips help you to read your next favorite book. Do you have any new tips? Leave a comment down below.
Till next time…